Privacy and Cookies Policy

Last updated on 18th February, 2022

Privacy and Cookies Policy / statement

While using this website, RAR Fincare may become privy to your personal information including information that is confidential and sensitive.

RAR Fincare is strongly committed to protect your personal and financial information that you may submit via forms and have taken all the required measures to protect your confidentiality and prevent the misuse of the information. This information will not be shared with any external organization unless it is required for rendering our services like obtaining a credit score, verifying details of a client and carrying out normal business operations.

The RAR Fincare website uses some cookies to ensure a smooth user experience. These are small amounts of data that are stored in your computer about your preferences while using this website to ease visitor navigation of this website and enhance the overall functionality. No personal information like contact nos. and photographs are stored.

We may use the information collected to provide you personalized information about our services, keep you updated on new offers, respond to queries submitted via questionnaires and disclose data to agents to provide you the best experience at RAR Fincare.

RAR Fincare endeavors to protect your privacy. You are safe here.